Sometimes We Get Sick

It happens. You’re cruising along really great with your workouts and healthy eating and then WHAM! You get struck with sickness. For whatever reason, you’ve caught something nasty and now you feel awful. So, what do you do? Tough it out and push through your workouts because you don’t want to lose any ground you’ve gained? What about those people who swear that “sweating it out” is the best cure for being sick?

Maybe for some people, at certain points of some sickness, doing some exercise might help them get rid of whatever it is they’ve got, but most of the time, the best thing really is to rest. Whatever illness your body is fighting against, working out will likely wear you down further. You’re making your body’s energy go to the workout and repair from that workout, rather than getting you healthy again. The last thing you want to do is drag out your sickness or make it worse. Rest up! Don’t feel guilty for missing workouts, that’s never worth it. The workouts will still be there when you recover, and your body will thank you.

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Filed under fitness, Health, Health Ally

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