Home from Orycon

I am back from Orcyon (I’m so used to tweeting, I almost put a hashtag in front of that!!) and I’m slowly getting back into the groove of normal life.

I had an excellent time. Highlights for me were definitely Ken Scholes’ workshop, listening to Lou Anders at various panels (he’s an incredible person!), meeting Devon Monk, getting some great artwork from the art auction, and making some great new writer friends.

I’ve realized now I have a notebook with two years of convention notes. (and one writers conference) I’m thinking I should blog them, help spread the advice and things I learned, but wondering what would be the best way to do so, to make it easy for people to find the posts? Tags work I know, but I’m wondering if I should do a wordpress blog, if that would help keep it all sorted, that then connects to my LJ blog?? Or should I just do it on my website as permanent pages??

Hmmm…where’s the tech savy people? Any suggestions??


Filed under Conventions

6 responses to “Home from Orycon

  1. Whatever you do, make sure us LJ people can see it!! I need all the advice I need!!

  2. Aw…I’m sorry I missed you at Orycon! But I sure am glad you had a good time! 🙂
    I would love to check out your convention notes!! Wherever they end up 🙂

  3. I will defin itely do that! There’s a ton of topics, info, and lots of different authors giving their advice. I’ll figure out the best way to do it and let you know!

  4. I was keeping my eye open for a “chair” badgem but I guess our paths didn’t cross. I did have a good time, thanks, and I’ll figure out where and how to best post my notes and let you know!

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